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Business Consultants

Building Better B2B Relationships

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We help large and medium sized B2B companies transform their customer and channel relationships through well proven methodologies and tools to build trust and joint working for mutual commercial benefit.

To improve performance, increase sales and deliver a superior customer experience, you need to have the right business capabilities, staff competencies and customer management techniques in place. The benefits of good B2B customer management are manifold:

  • Improved quality of your customer relationships - long term trust and commitment
  • Grow your share of value within existing customers
  • Improve organisational and channel efficiency
  • Gain new customers and turn them into profitable relationships
  • Keep and develop your people to deliver your customer promise

We help you to identify what is and isn't working well in your business system of customer management, and then work with you to develop the tools and skills to deliver the experience that your customers want and need - profitably!

Relationships count!

  • The loss of one big client, or defection of one loyal intermediary, could cost you your job!
  • Account managers need to escape from workinghand-to-mouth on sales and only firefighting service issues rather thanresolving what underlies them
  • The customer's voice isn't clear enough in identifying the operational issues that damage trust, and Customer Satisfaction or NPS measurement isseen as 'research' rather than a central pillar of account management

We help you focus in on 3 critical areas:


Business Capabilities

What do your customers want and need? Do you have the capability and skills to deliver it?teal-triangle

Relationship Quality

Listen to your customers to identify what is and isn't working, and what's required to improve their experience and loyalty.green-triangle

People Capabilities

Grow business and hit sales targets, give your key account and sales managers the tools to exceed them.

A deeper dive into customerattuned.com

Common questions asked about customerattuned.com

1. What services does Customer Attuned provide?

Customer Attuned provides a range of services including Customer Strategy, Customer Management, Sales & Account Management, Trust Evaluation & Development, B2B Trust, Organisational Performance, Embedded Trust, Business Capabilities, Training and Development, and Customer Centricity. These services are designed to address external and internal challenges and help businesses build sustainable and profitable relationships.

2. How does Customer Attuned help with Customer Management?

Customer Attuned helps businesses refine their Customer Management practices by developing and implementing a systemic strategy. This strategy drives customer-centric changes within people, processes, and technologies, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and profitability. By focusing on customer management, businesses can better understand and meet the needs of their customers, leading to stronger relationships and increased success.

3. What is the focus of Sales & Account Management services?

Customer Attuned addresses Sales & Account Management challenges by stimulating cohesive account and key account relationships. The goal is to meet strategic business objectives and deliver mutual benefits. By optimizing sales and account management practices, businesses can effectively engage with their customers, identify opportunities for growth, and drive revenue.

4. How does Customer Attuned evaluate and develop trust?

Trust Evaluation & Development is a key service provided by Customer Attuned. The company helps businesses assess and enhance trust within their B2B relationships. By evaluating trust levels and identifying areas for improvement, businesses can build stronger and more reliable partnerships. Developing trust is crucial for long-term success and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships.

5. How does Customer Attuned improve business capabilities?

Customer Attuned helps businesses improve their overall business capabilities through various services such as Organisational Performance and Embedded Trust. By honing customer strategy and enhancing organisational performance, businesses can align their goals and objectives, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, success. Customer Attuned provides practical expertise to support businesses in achieving their desired outcomes.

Some reasons to choose customerattuned.com

Customer Management

Customer Attuned helps you refine your Customer Management practices, through developing and implementing a systemic strategy that drives customer centric changes within your people, processes and technologies to improve customer satisfaction and profitability.

Sales & Account Management

We address your Sales and Account Management challenges through stimulating cohesive account and key account relationships to meet your strategic business objectives and deliver mutual benefits.

Trust Evaluation & Development

Customer Attuned focuses on evaluating and developing trust within your organization, ensuring that sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships are maintained with your customers.

Embedded Trust

We help build a culture of trust within your organization, ensuring that trust is embedded in your business practices and relationships with customers.

Business Capabilities

Customer Attuned provides expertise in enhancing your business capabilities, enabling you to effectively meet your customer strategy goals and improve overall organizational performance.
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