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Quality Assurance

Global Retail Research & Quality Assurance Specialists For FMCG & CPG Companies

SSL https://www.assosia.com/

Assosia are global leaders in conducting qualitative andquantitative consumer research. These are carried out alongside in-store and online retailaudits. Their experience has enabled them to establish a solid reputation amongst theworld's leading manufacturers, retailers and consumer brands. They arespecialists in conducting competitive pricing,promotional analysis and quality assurance across retail categories. This helpsour clients to drive initiatives across the entire product supply chain.

Our Account Managers and Field Team Associates are highly experienced in the UKand global retail markets.

Retail Research

A deeper dive into assosia.com

Common questions asked about www.assosia.com

1. What services does Assosia provide?

Assosia provides a range of services for retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers. These services include retail competitor analysis, price and promotion tracking in-store, consumer insight research, mystery shopping services, and online consumer surveys. They also offer retail audit services such as promotional compliance audits, on-shelf availability studies, and retailer range reviews. Additionally, Assosia provides retail benchmarking services for range price benchmarking and space vs. sales studies. They also offer quality assurance services, product sampling and monitoring, and product trade age studies.

2. How can Assosia help retailers with pricing and promotion strategies?

Assosia offers a pricing tool specifically designed for retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers. This tool allows retailers to track and analyze competitor prices and promotions in-store. By using this tool, retailers can gain valuable insights into their competitors' pricing strategies and make informed decisions about their own pricing and promotion strategies. Assosia's pricing tool helps retailers stay competitive in the market and maximize their sales and profitability.

3. What is retail audit and how can it benefit businesses?

Retail audit is a service provided by Assosia that helps businesses assess and improve their retail operations. This service includes promotional compliance audits, on-shelf availability studies, retailer range reviews, and merchandising/POS placement analysis. Retail audit helps businesses identify areas for improvement, optimize their product placement and availability, and ensure compliance with promotional guidelines. By utilizing retail audit services, businesses can enhance their overall retail performance and increase customer satisfaction.

4. How does Assosia conduct retail benchmarking?

Assosia conducts retail benchmarking by comparing and analyzing various factors such as range prices and space vs. sales studies. This helps businesses understand their position in the market and identify areas for improvement. Assosia's retail benchmarking services provide businesses with valuable insights into their pricing strategies, product range effectiveness, and overall performance compared to their competitors. By utilizing retail benchmarking, businesses can make data-driven decisions to enhance their competitiveness and drive sales growth.

5. What services does Assosia offer for quality assurance?

Assosia offers quality assurance services to help businesses manage and improve their product quality and customer satisfaction. These services include retail crisis management, product recall assistance, and customer complaint collections. Assosia helps businesses handle product recalls effectively, manage customer complaints, and implement crisis management strategies. By utilizing Assosia's quality assurance services, businesses can protect their brand reputation, ensure product safety, and enhance customer trust and loyalty.
telephone Telephone
01708444840  UK phone number
UK (Hornchurch) based business - established over 11 years ago - providing consumer research and quality assurance services. Website includes details of services provided, "meet the team" page, case studies, client list, testimonials, terms and conditions, full contact details.
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  • Detailed 'Meet the Founder' info found
  • Company established over 11 years ago
  • SSL Website secured by SSL certificate
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Suite 3. Ripon House
35 Station Lane
RM12 6JL
United Kingdom
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