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Land & Brand New Homes are leading land and property agents in East and West Sussex, Surrey and across the South East. We have decades of professional experience in land purchasing, land selling and new home sales, working closely with landowners wishing to sell surplus land and housebuilders looking for residential development opportunities. Visit the website for details and get in touch.

A deeper dive into landproconsultants.co.uk

1. What services does landandbrandnewhomes.co.uk provide?

Land & Brand New Homes offers services related to residential development land. They specialize in advising on land acquisition, selling surplus land, and providing consultancy on all areas of land acquisition and development. They also offer strategic land acquisition/disposal advice and are specialists in Option and Promotion Agreements.

2. What assurances does landandbrandnewhomes.co.uk give about ensuring a high quality service or product?

The company boasts over 30 years of residential property experience and has a professional reputation in the South East. They have a track record in residential development and work with well-known local, regional, and national developers.

3. What social proof is there that landandbrandnewhomes.co.uk have provided a quality service in the past?

There are multiple testimonials on the website from satisfied clients, including Julian Rooney from Thakeham Homes and K Wawman from Crayfern Homes, praising the company's services and achievements.

Some reasons to choose landproconsultants.co.uk

A specialist land agent with 30+ years of residential property experience

Land & Brand New Homes has been using their considerable property expertise to help unlock the residential development potential of surplus land since 1991. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, they have a deep understanding of the market and can provide valuable insights and guidance to both landowners and house builders.

Unrivalled professional reputation in the South East

Land & Brand New Homes has built an exceptional professional reputation in the South East. They have a track record of successful projects and have worked with well-known local, regional, and national developers. Their reputation speaks to their expertise, reliability, and ability to deliver results.

Excellent senior-level contacts in the property development industry

With their extensive experience and established reputation, Land & Brand New Homes has developed excellent senior-level contacts in the property development industry. These contacts allow them to connect with key players in the market, ensuring they have access to the best opportunities and can provide their clients with valuable connections.

Strategic land acquisition/disposal advice

Land & Brand New Homes offers strategic land acquisition and disposal advice. They have a deep understanding of the market and can provide valuable insights on when and where to buy or sell land for development. Their expertise in land promotion allows them to identify the best opportunities and maximize the potential of each project.

Liaison with local councils, landowners, property developers, and trusts

As land agents in West Sussex, East Sussex, and beyond, Land & Brand New Homes actively liaises with local councils, landowners, property developers, and trusts. This allows them to stay informed about local regulations, development plans, and potential opportunities. Their strong network and relationships enable them to navigate the complexities of the industry and ensure successful projects.
telephone Telephone
01903 692952  UK phone number
UK (Worthing, West Sussex) based business - established in 1991 - providing land and property agency services. Website includes details of services provided, work examples and case studies, testimonials, "meet the team" information, associations, news section, full contact details.
reviewb2blistings.org reviewer
signals of trust found Signals of trust found on website
  • Testimonials found
  • Case studies / portfolio found
  • Full company contact address and
    phone number found
  • Associations found
  • Detailed 'Meet the Founder' info found
  • Examples of work listed
  • Company established in 1991
  • SSL Website secured by SSL certificate
Information on how we determine signs of trust
address  Company address
B1 Yeoman Gate
Yeoman Way
West Sussex BN13 3QZ
United Kingdom
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