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Accounting and Finance Services

Non Conforming Loans: Low Doc & Bad Credit Home Loans Australia

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Non Conforming Loans have Solutions for borrowers that don't fit traditional lending criteria.

Bad credit history home loans – for borrowers who have a bad credit history with paid or unpaid defaults or judgements or discharged from bankruptcy. Generally these applicants have experienced a 'life event' such as a marriage breakdown, illness or a business failure and are considered high risk by most lenders even if they have overcome the event that caused the bad credit.

Low Doc Home Loans – for Self borrowers with irregular income, such as Contractors or Self Employed without lodged Tax Returns who may not fit the criteria of mainstream lenders.

Near Prime Loans – these borrowers may require cash out to pay tax debt or consolidate unsecured loans such as credit cards, personal or car loans or business debts and can be rejected by prime lenders.

Non Conforming Home Loans – Most Banks and Mortgage Insurers have adopted statistics-based credit assessment models that do not offer the flexibility that non conforming lenders can provide.

To learn more visit Non Conforming Loans Australia website or call 1300 791 329 to speak with a specialist mortgage broker.

A deeper dive into nonconformingloans.com.au

Common questions asked about www.nonconformingloans.com.au

1. What types of loans do Non Conforming Loans offer?

Non Conforming Loans offer a range of lending solutions for borrowers who don't meet traditional lending criteria. They provide options such as bad credit home loans, low doc home loans, discharged bankruptcy home loans, near prime home loans, debt consolidation loans, expat home loans, non-resident home loans, commercial property loans, and commercial and consumer asset finance.

2. Why should I choose Non Conforming Loans?

If your bank has rejected your loan application, Non Conforming Loans may have a solution for you. They specialize in helping borrowers who don't fit traditional lending criteria. Whether you have bad credit, are self-employed and can't prove your income through traditional means, or have other unique circumstances, Non Conforming Loans can provide a second opinion and offer alternative lending options.

3. How common is the need for non conforming loans in Australia?

In Australia, it is estimated that one in five people require the services of non conforming loans. This is often not their fault and can be due to the tightening of lending criteria by banks. Factors such as risk profiles or a low credit score can make someone an applicant for non conforming loans. Additionally, self-employed individuals who can't prove their income through traditional means may also need these types of loans.

4. How can I apply for a loan with Non Conforming Loans?

To apply for a loan with Non Conforming Loans, you can complete their online form. This form will provide them with the necessary information to assess your situation and determine if they have a lending solution for you. It is important to provide accurate and detailed information to ensure a thorough evaluation of your application.

5. Are there any obligations or fees associated with applying for a loan?

Completing the form and getting an obligation-free assessment from Non Conforming Loans does not incur any fees. They will review your application and provide you with information on the lending solutions they can offer. If you decide to proceed with a loan, there may be fees associated with the loan itself, such as interest rates and loan processing fees. It is important to review and understand the terms and conditions of any loan before proceeding.

Some reasons to choose nonconformingloans.com.au

Flexible lending criteria

Non Conforming Loans offers lending solutions for borrowers who don't fit traditional lending criteria. This means that even if a borrower has bad credit, has been discharged from bankruptcy, or is a non-resident, they may still be eligible for a loan.

Second opinion

If a borrower's bank has rejected their loan application, Non Conforming Loans can provide a second opinion. They have alternative lending options that may be more suitable for the borrower's situation.

Wide range of loan options

Non Conforming Loans offers a variety of loan options to cater to different needs. They have options for low documentation loans, debt consolidation loans, expat home loans, and commercial property loans, among others.

Understanding of unique circumstances

Non Conforming Loans recognizes that some borrowers may have unique circumstances that make it difficult for them to meet traditional lending criteria. They understand the challenges faced by self-employed individuals who can't prove their income through traditional means, and they have solutions tailored to these situations.

Quick and easy application process

Non Conforming Loans provides a simple and straightforward application process. Borrowers can complete a form online and receive an obligation-free assessment of their eligibility for a loan.
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