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Training Services


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Train Your Traders provides leading MT4 and MT5 Platform education written by industry experts.Brokers'​ have the option to implement our educational videos via branded Iframe or API. Our set up process is simple, seamless, and can be done within one working day.

Our MT4 and MT5 Platform education courses consist of over 80 unique training videos recorded directly on the platform, and are specifically designed for novice to intermediate traders. We provide instructional audio and e- books to complement our product,plus a full forex glossary. After watching or listening to our videos, your traders will know exactly how to place, modify, or delete all the different kinds of orders correctly, change important platform settings and manage the security aspects associated with their live accounts.

You can choose whether to show all the videos to your traders from the get-go, only after they have registered or verified or even after they’ve deposited. We customize ourproduct according to your colours and preferences, and if you want a different design altogether we can create that too at no extra cost. Our educational videos, e books and interface comes in 9 different languages.

A quality over quantity, no muss, no fuss solution, that brokerages and clients will love. The perfect educational tool for successful platform training.

A deeper dive into trainyourtraders.com

Common questions asked about trainyourtraders.com

1. What educational content does Train Your Traders provide?

Train Your Traders provides top-notch financial education videos written by industry experts. These videos are designed to continually educate clients with engaging content, helping them learn how to trade or build on their existing skills. By offering these educational resources, brokers can boost their registration numbers and keep existing clients coming back for more.

2. How does Train Your Traders deliver the educational videos?

Train Your Traders offers multiple distribution options, including iframes, widgets, and API integration. Brokers can choose the method that best suits their needs and Train Your Traders will deliver the branded FX educational videos accordingly.

3. How long does it take to set up Train Your Traders?

Setting up Train Your Traders is a simple process that can be completed in less than a day. Once a broker has made the decision to move to Train Your Traders, they can quickly get set up and ready to go, allowing them to start utilizing the educational content and growing their business.

4. How can Train Your Traders help grow my business?

By implementing Train Your Traders' educational product, brokers can satisfy their clients by providing them with the knowledge and skills to make successful trades. This not only improves client satisfaction but also makes it easier for the sales team to convert and retain customers. Ultimately, this leads to a thriving business.

5. Can I utilize my affiliates with Train Your Traders?

Yes, Train Your Traders allows brokers to utilize their affiliates. By offering the educational content provided by Train Your Traders to their affiliates, brokers can further expand their reach and attract more traders. This collaboration with affiliates can significantly contribute to the growth and success of a broker's business.

Some reasons to choose trainyourtraders.com


The company provides top-notch financial education videos written by industry experts, guaranteed to boost registration numbers and keep existing clients coming back for more.


The company offers various distribution methods such as iframes, widgets, and API, allowing clients to choose how they want to distribute their branded FX educational videos.


Once a client decides to move to the company, they can be set up and ready to go in less than a day.


By implementing the company's product, clients will learn how to make successful trades, making it easier for the sales team to convert and retain customers, resulting in a thriving business.


Affiliates are the biggest source of new clients for brokers, and the company helps clients effectively utilize their affiliates to expand their business.
Website providing educational videos for trading software (MT4, MT5 platforms). Website includes details of services provided, contact details.
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