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Packaging Companies


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http://www.bulkbin.com/shop BUY CORRUGATED BULK BINS ONLINE!

What We Do


Take advantage of Bulk Bin Packaging volume purchasing power. Bulk Bin has the ability to coordinate purchasing and deliveries at competitive prices. Because of this, Bulk Bin is in a preferred position to provide added service features such as scheduling, inventory control and follow through. These important services enable BBP customers to concentrate their full efforts on growing and handling while knowing with confidence that packaging materials will be delivered as ordered and on time.


Bulk Bin Packaging is unique in its ability to work with major packaging manufacturers to obtain the right materials and design for customers' individual requirements. Bulk Bin's in-house graphic designer works closely with customers in order to design a great looking package and to assist with determining the correct structural design for their product.36
Company Analysis

Bulk Bin Packaging only works with companies that have ISO 9001:2008 certifications to ensure that all of our customers receive quality paper and plastics products. We stand by our products 100% and ensure that they are manufactured to meet all industry standards (agricultural, food manufacturers, retail, seafood, construction, and industrial). Your product will be delivered from our dock to yours without any damages and this is why we continue to have a 99% acceptance ratio of all our loads.


telephone Telephone
9164721176  US phone number
US (Grass Valley, CA) based business - established in 1998 - providing wholesale packaging. Website includes details of services and products provided, testimonials, e-commerce facilities, delivery and returns information, regularly updated blog, full contact details.
reviewb2blistings.org reviewer
signals of trust found Signals of trust found on website
  • Testimonials found
  • Full company contact address and
    phone number found
  • Delivery information found
  • Returns policy found
  • Regularly updated blog/news
  • Company established in 1998
  • SSL Website secured by SSL certificate
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